Raquel was born on January 28, 1981 and grew up in La Vega, located in the Central region of the Dominican Republic. In this small town, where there were only two bookstores, things were simple, life was quiet and safe. Raquel swam from the age of 3, participating in kids swimming events until about the age of 11.
Initially swimming was not her passion during her childhood years, she always showed interest in cycling so Raquel joined a local MTB club. A few years later her swim coach observing her agility and passion on the bike mentioned about a sport totally unknown to many called "Triathlon".
In January 2024 a medically reviewed article on Medical News written by Zia Sherrell, MPH showed that having too much cortisol in the blood can be damaging to health, particularly if cortisol levels remain high over an extended period. In many cases, the most direct way to lower it is to reduce things that trigger its production. For many people, this means reducing stress.
Energy must come from somewhere!
If you don't consume enough calories, your body will break down muscle to meet its energy demands. It is important to strike a balance with caloric intake; meeting your individual daily needs without getting too carried away and eating in excess, which will increase fat mass. When increasing weightlifting training, an uptick in general energy intake can help increase muscle protein synthesis. Adding an additional high-protein snack once or twice per day is an easy way to support the increased need for protein and calories.
A 2018 study published in Health Promotion Perspectives showed that just 10 minutes of walking lowers anxiety and depression and increases focus and creativity. Plus, research shows that taking your stroll outside can make a huge difference, too. A 2022 study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that a 60-minute walk in nature decreases activity in brain regions involved in stress processing.
A 2015 research paper explains that consistent expressive writing may help reduce Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. It also suggests that writing at length about a traumatic or stressful event can help manage PTSD symptoms.
Ashwagandha, one of the most popular Indian botanical plants, has been used in Ayurveda – the 5000-year-old Indian system of medicine, as a rejuvenative, and a daily tonic for many centuries. Ashwagandha embodies the very essence of a preventative and curative approach to health in Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is referred to as the Prince of Herbs in Ayurveda.
The Stoics believed that the practice of virtue is enough to achieve eudaimonia: a well-lived life. The Stoics identified the path to achieving it with a life spent practicing the four virtues in everyday life: wisdom, courage, temperance or moderation, and justice, and living in accordance with nature.
When you’re short on sleep, it’s easy to lean on a large latte to get moving. You might be tempted to skip exercise (too tired), get takeout for dinner, and then turn in late because you’re uncomfortably full.
If this cascade of events happens a few times each year, no problem. Trouble is, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Yet experts agree that getting enough sleep is as important to health, well-being, and your weight as are diet and exercise.
Intermittent fasting restricts when or how much you eat — and sometimes both. One variation, time-restricted eating, involves eating only during a certain time window, usually eight hours, over a single day. For example, you would eat only during the hours of 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and then fast during the other 16 hours.
Discipline is the ability to control and manage one's instincts, emotions, desires, feelings, and behaviors. It requires you to be well-organized. Discipline is the difference between talking and doing. It's being able to set goals and actually going for them while not forgetting about everything else that's on your plate as well.
It's about being able to be consistent and persistent in the face of challenges (and failures). And most importantly it's about replacing bad habits with better ones.
We should realize the power of deciding on “quitting alcohol”, putting a stop to or taking that toxic ingredient out of your life can be the cornerstone of a long-term lifestyle and personality change. This would cause a “Ripple Effect”, which is when one new habit creates other new good habits, it means that by adopting one positive change, naturally motivates you to make additional positive changes in other areas of your life, essentially cascading into a chain reaction of improved habits; this phenomenon is often referred to as the “spillover effect” in psychology.